Legendary standup comedian and actor Lenny Clarke chats with Trey Elling, ahead of his headlining shows at The Comedy Mothership from February 2nd thru the 4th. Topics include:
- A comedy club for comedians (0:00)
- Hecklers (3:48)
- Coming up with new material (5:16)
- Looking out for others (7:39)
- Encouragement (10:33)
- On-stage therapy (14:37)
- Performing in Austin w/ Kinison (16:17)
- Bill Hicks (20:10)
- Extended Family on NBC (21:26)
- Marriage (25:26)
- Near-death experiences (26:26)
- Annoying people on airplanes (29:53)
- Getting passed by Mitzi (32:13)
- A love for standup (33:52)