Actor Adam Campbell chats with Trey Elling, ahead of a reunion with some of his former GREAT NEWS cast- and crew-mates at ATX TV Festival. Topics include:
- Embarking on his first trip to Austin and Texas (1:25)
- Adam’s description of Los Angeles to an outsider (2:53)
- The difficulties of learning the full picture on the issues most impacting the country and world (5:08)
- Adam gaining an appreciation of America when going through the citizenship process (8:50)
- American freedom (10:31)
- What Adam loved about GREAT NEWS (12:19)
- Adam’s comedic influences (16:20)
- Ricky Gervais’ new standup comedy special (18:36)
- Raising a five-year-old son (22:44)
- Adam’s hometown of Bath, Sommerset, England (26:33)